2012 homemade pizza tally: 15

For the past couple weeks, I’ve been neglecting as much as I reasonably can in favor of two main pursuits — watching the Olympics and designing a brand new look for my blog. It’s undergoing a major renovation, and I can’t wait to show you the new layout when it’s ready!

Meanwhile I’ve been trying to keep up with the essentials like laundry, soccer games, shopping for maternity clothes, and eating homemade pizza. The kids were away at “Cousin Camp” on Sunday evening, so I made a slightly smaller pizza for just Tim and me. One half had pineapple; the other did not.

A few years ago, I almost made Hawaiian pizza for Tim for our second date. (My favorite must be everyone’s favorite, right?) Thank goodness I asked what toppings he liked!

I’m curious. What pizza toppings are your favorites? Which ones would you pick off if they crossed the line onto your side of the pizza?